
From Rise Online Wiki
Item changes that came with the patch 9.0.4 is currently work in progress. You can track latest changes on the wiki through the Recent Changes page.

Excalibur is a Rare quality Greatsword.

Excalibur in the hands of a male Protean.
+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
Attack Power 77 81 85 90 95 102 111 124 142
Weight 94
Durability 7.000 7.500 8.000 8.500 9.000 9.500 10.000 11.500 14.500
Fire Damage 30 34 38 44 50 56 64 74 86
Required Strength 160 162 164 168 170 172 174 176 178


Excalibur can have a maximum of 2 runes. The runes that can be unlocked are as follows:

Chance Rune Rune value
4% Attack Bonus Against Mages (%) 1-2
4% Attack Bonus Against Priests (%) 1-2
4% Attack Bonus Against Rogues (%) 1-2
4% Attack Bonus Against Warriors (%) 1-2
6% Strength 2-3
6% Health 2-3
6% Dexterity 2-3
6% Magic 2-3
6% Intelligence 2-3
6% Max. HP Bonus 30-54
6% Max. MP Bonus 70-100
6% EXP Bonus (%) 1-2
6% Coin Bonus (%) 1-2
6% Weight Bonus 250
4% Fire Damage Resistance 10-14
4% Ice Damage Resistance 10-14
4% Lightning Damage Resistance 10-14
4% Poison Damage Resistance 10-14
4% Holy Damage Resistance 10-14
4% Curse Damage Resistance 10-14

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